For all you folks who thought that ‘Vampire’ hunk Taylor Lautner would have already moved on from the bitter harvest of his ‘mushy’ affair with ‘Country’ crooning sweetie Taylor Swift, here’s some news.
Purely on the evidence of the latest reports, it would appear that the hunk hasn’t yet been able to get the blonde crooning sensation out of his mind and is in fact thinking up ways to win back his ‘lost love’.
For real…..folks!
Buzz is that Lautner is reportedly planning a special ‘reunion’ tryst with his ex –girlfriend, in a bid to strike up that ‘old flame’ again.
Reports further suggest that Taylor has thought up a hush –hush tryst (or call it a ‘date’ instead!) in Los Angeles at around the same time when the ‘estranged’ pair is slated to appear for the promotion of their next big –screen caper ‘Valentines Day’.
The movie title sure sounds like a good omen….ha folks?
Further letting in on Taylor’s love plans, a source was quoted as saying to National Enquirer, “He plans to overwhelm Taylor with four dozen red roses, a diamond friendship ring and a romantic dinner date when they’re both in Los Angeles.”
The source further went, “He wholeheartedly believes they have something special and that it’s worth fighting for.”
It ought to be remembered here that the ‘split’ itself between the once ‘mushy pair’ wasn’t brought upon by what one would call ‘irreconcilable circumstances’, but was rather the ‘bitter’ harvest of them not being able to spend enough quality time in the light of the pressing commitments.
The source further said, “They became good friends and went out a few times, but he lives in Los Angeles and she lives in Nashville and their busy schedules kept it from becoming more than it was.”
Well, we can only wish Taylor all the best for the D –Day!
Comment: YAY! *jumping up & down* i hope Tay Tay is BACK together ^^
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