Heads up! Bill and Tom Kaulitz are on the cover of the February 2010 issue of German GQmagazine, where Bill looks like the ringleader of Cirque de Sexy, and Tom looks like a straight-up Bawse. Now, clearly, if you're a Tokio Hotel fan you probably already know that that half of Tokio Hotel's on the cover. And you're probably not mad at it. But, see, this is why Wordpress and life need a "likes this" button. So we can all push it in unison.
Tokio Hotel's GQ cover lines read "Now also for adults… Tokio Hotel. Why you should take these supertwins seriously from now on!" And a quote from the Kaulitz twins: "We are like one person with 4 ears…" Fair enough, but in case you miss Tokio Hotel's other four ears, watch their "World Behind My Wall" video. Yet again.
Comment: Tamar.. you're such a COOL Tokio Hotel Fans ^^ we're so proud to have you on MTV Buzzworty =))
quote: "Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight." aja aja hwaiting!
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