Millions of girls would also love to be here in the Maladives in the Indian ocean! But the twins are here all alone – without screaming fans, without management. Relaxing right before their big tour in Europe (starting Feb 22nd)!
Here, on an island on the North Malé Atoll, 8000 kilometres away from their home Magdeburg, Bill and Tom are completely in private in a luxury hotel. And the hotel lives up to its reputation: the world stars are staying in a super-fancy water-bungalow (circa 3500 dollars per night) with their own butler, four flatscreen TVs and a private pool.
Our reader reports: “They do everything together. Breakfast at 11am, after that sunbathing on the private deck, splashing around in the ocean and every day dinner together in one of the three restaurants on the island. Every other day they go to the wellness center for a massage.”
Popstars sure have it good…
Comment: mann! i am one of those GIRLS! OMG OMG OMG! Bill looks even better with no makeup on. He and his brother are just perfect. love em!
We're just friends this time...
Once upon a time, Joe Jonas dumped Taylor Swift over the phone. The conversation lasted only 27 seconds. That was about a year ago.Now, Joe wants to make amends with his ex girlfriend and has been quoted saying that they have ‘recently reconnected’.
A brief recap for those who don’t know what went down between Taylor and Joe. The cute twosome dated briefly last year, and when all of a sudden he dumped her. That phone call Joe made to her has left Taylor wondering what she did wrong.
However, Joe is quick to point out that there’s no reunion between them, insisting that they are just getting back on friendly terms. At least he’s trying to be a supportive friend this time round as he tells E! News, “I hope she gets a Grammy. She deserves it.”
No matter what, let’s hope that this rekindled friendship doesn’t lead to more heartbreak for Taylor. Wait, you know what? That might actually not be all that bad because the singer does find inspirations from heartaches!
Comment: forever & always.. that's what Taylor Swift keep saying about her relationship with Joe Jonas before.. even me myself felt the same way like Taylor.. hurts.. idk.. maybe it's good to be friend.. but he haven't heard anything from Taylor.. but we'll see =)
Taylor Swift dished to the new issue of Girls' Life on her rules about love: 'The biggest compliment I've ever received was when a guy looked at me and said, 'You're so interesting.' I loved it! There so many girls who are beautiful, but to be called interesting is something that I think it relaly cool. It's a little more rare than if someone says you're hot.'
'I've never had a guy get in the way of a friendship. Rule No. 1: If your girlfriend has cried about a guy, you don't go near him. Rule No. 2: Your friends should totally agree to rule No. 1'
'Sometimes, guys will hint that they like when you wear your hair a certain way or want you to act [differently]. But if you aren't comfortable doing that, don't change yourself. I've been guilty of this a few times, a guy will suggest that I wear my hair straight or go tanning, and I'll give in. But this is a mistake, because then the guy's not really into who you really are.'
'Don't answer his e-mails, especially after a relationship is over. I'm a big fan of just cutting it off because I know myself and I'm not the kind of person who can just be buddy-buddy with a guy after we breakup, especially if it was a bad breakup. I'm not into letting it linger or drag on forever.'
Comment: *thumbs Up* ahh.. i wish you're my sister ^^
Bill Kaulitz fans already know that every time the Tokio Hotel lead singer steps out in public it's a fashion show. But this morning, Bill Kaulitz finally starred in a real fashion show, walking the runway like a pro in Dsquared's fashion show in Milan. While I wasn't there personally, I can safely assume that Bill Kaulitz needed no training -- dressed in a feathered cape and leather pants like the born-again dark angel of rock, Bill Kaulitz took the stage via an elevator, tuh-WERKED it, and fully upstaged a team of medieval hockey players and models in hot pink pleather Oxford shirts.
Do I even need to point out the cuteness of Bill Kaulitz walking a fashion show by twin designers (DSquared is named for twins Dean and Dan Caten)? Or the you've-made-it-ness of coverage inWomen's Wear Daily? I don't, right?
But don’t worry guys, Lady GaGa is fine now, as she updates us on her Twitter saying, “Paramedics came to take care of me, and told me my heart-rate was irregular-- a result of exhaustion and dehydration. Can't apologize enough for how sorry I am. I could hear my fans cheering from my dressing room, I begged everyone to let me go onstage.
“My stage has complicated mechanical elements, everyone was concerned I'd be in danger during the 2hr show, since I had passed out earlier. I am so devastated. I have performed with the flu, a cold, strep throat: I would never cancel a show just based on discomfort.
“I hope you can forgive me. I love my little monsters more than anything, you are everything to me. I will make-up the performance on Jan 26.”
Now, who wouldn’t accept an apology like that? Turns out beneath all her unconventional ways, she is much of a lovely person who really does care about her fans. Well, we all hope that the Illness Monster goes away soon. Get well soon, GaGa!
Comment: awww.. get well soon ! love it when she say my little monsters =')
i ♥ u @ladygaga
Demi Lovato and Selena Gomez chatted with J-14 about their issues with friendship. Demi revealed: 'There are times when even if you've known someone for a long time, you change. Just because we were best friends doesnt mean we're always going to stay best friends.'
Selena added: 'I think [ending friendships] is natural and people have to go through it. They may have hit a rough patch, but the girls know that regardless, they'll always have each other's backs.' Do YOU think they are still BFFs just taking 'a break'?
Comment: no waY! not true! if Selena is ending her friendship with Taylor.. acceptable cuz you know why.. but with Demi? why?? did Demi date Nick or what?? DANG!
The track list for the highly anticipated soundtrack to Tim Burton's Alice In Wonderland 3D remake (save your glasses from Avatar!), starring Johnny Depp, was announced today, and OMB(ill!) Tokio Hotel and Kerli are collaborating on the song, "Strange."
The soundtrack, entitled Almost Alice, hits stores March 2, while Alice In Wonderland is out March 5, at which point you'll experience the heretofore impossible-to-imagine simultaneous Tokio Hotel AND Johnny Depp pairing!
Anyway Tokio Hotel and Kerli's Alice In Wonderland collaboration rules, and here's why:
1.) Tokio Hotel and Kerli, who's from Estonia, bring some European flair to the soundtrack, which includes Avril Lavigne, All Time Low, Mark Hoppus and Pete Wentz, and Owl City.
2.) Though she's got a devoted fan base, Kerli's been under mainstream music's radar for too long, so inclusion in a major motion picture's soundtrack -- especially with the legacy of Alice In Wonderland -- could do wonders to advance her exposure here in the States. Of course, the same goes for Tokio Hotel, which is a great thing or cause for angered teeth gnashing, depending on which Tokio fan you ask.
3.) KERLI AND TOKIO HOTEL BOTH HAVE SONGS CALLED "LOVE IS DEAD." That's NO coincidence. Okay, it's actually totally a coincidence, but their songwriting sentiments often stem from the same place -- introspection, loss of love, and disenfranchisement.
4.) Kerli does amazing things with makeup, and so does Bill Kaulitz. (Obviously.)
5.) Both Kerli and Bill Kaulitz pretty much look like Alice In Wonderland and Tim Burton characters come to life. (Kerli = Alice, obviously, and Bill Kaulitz as the Mad (hot) Hatter.)
Comment: i agree with Tamar, Bill as the Mad (hot) Hatter ;D