Taylor Swift arriving back at her hotel in London and Taylor Lautner leaving BLT restaurant in the midtown area of New York City. WENN. Swift is rumored to play 'Nessie' the half-human/ half-vampire child of Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart in a Twilight spinoff.
Producers are 'absolutely convinced Taylor will kill in the role. She has unbelievable presence, and they think she and Taylor Lautner project great chemistry together.'
Lautner talked to Jay Leno about a psychotic Twi-Mom: 'We're at a signing, an autograph signing ..and there was a mother who was in her mid-40s and a little teenage daughter. The mother skips on up ..and she goes, 'Excuse me, Taylor ..I'm wearing the Team Taylor panties right now. Is there any way I can take them off for you and just have you sign them quick?' And the daughter goes, 'Oh Mom, come on!'.
He also told Parade: 'We were filming in the Pacific Northwest in March, so it was freezing. There's a scene in the rain when it was like 35 degrees and it wasn't real rain. They were spraying us from a rain tower, which came straight from a spring so it was ice-cold. All I was wearing was a pair of jean shorts and I was freezing to death. But, Jacob is hot, so he can't look cold. That was the big challenge.'
Comment: Taylor Swift in Twilight?? geil!
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