I used to be love drunk, but now I'm hungover. I love you forever, forever is over
lame x blogging.. huhu... sebok blog pasal org laen.. hehe.. dh nk start cuti raya.. lepas cuti raya seminggu ade mid term.. SENGGALL! arinie pown last tawarihh.. mesti rindu nnti XD hehe.. adekepatut nonie ckp si R mcm nk ehem ehem ngan emi.. ayo! dea dh berpunye larhh.. we were just best friend.. yeah.. KINDA... i think sbb td tyme present group for BI 2.. si R punye group kne ajar org laen.. so dea cm concentrate kat emi jee.. 2 yg org tgk semacam je.. huhu.. yeah.. he's nice.. actually he is NOT one of my crushes.. haha.. i had many crushes.. haha XD but yeah.. dea kwn je.. KOT XD ckp pasal crushes nie.. Im so vulnerable.. haha..
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