I used to be love drunk, but now I'm hungover. I love you forever, forever is over
im a fan of Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, & Justin Bieber, Katy Perry, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, Paramore, Ke$ha, Pixie Lott, 3oh3
Kris Allen & Owl City and and ACTUALLY im not a fan. i love their songs. i didn't search for their latest gossip but i do search for their latest songs. was that a FAN? idk xD
for 5 weeks kot! kem untuk ATLET Terengganu. SUKMA 2010. memenatkan! kne KERJA kott! tapenah lg join event camni.. huhu.. tp memang best ;) first & second week mmg stress! after that dh ok. tup tup minggu ke 4 demam! mmg tak larat. tp tahan je. teehee. first week xde picture. but manage to get VIDEO from MSNT. hehe. & manage to find mereka mereka kt FB. tak sangka ohh.. & minggu ke 5, final week.. rase sedih la plak.. sbb dh every week dari khamis - sabtu habiskan masa kt situ. tup tup next week dh xde dah.. ='( & for anyone who search about MINI KEM SUKMA 2010 kt Google or anywhere & found this annoying article xP.. please do contact me. here, FB, Twitter, or MySpace.